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Commonly Misunderstood Facts about Workers’ Comp

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

If you ever need to file a claim, you must know the details about workers’ compensation. Most people understand that it is a benefit that pays for your lost wages and medical expenses if you injure yourself at work.

However, there are still a lot of people who are eligible but do not file for these benefits. One reason for this is the number of misunderstood facts surrounding the topic. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about workers’ comp and the truth about them so you know your rights.

Your employer can fire you for filing a claim

This false claim is illegal according to New Hampshire labor laws. Employers cannot fire you because of a workers’ comp claim. That is retaliation. If your employer has the proper insurance coverage, they will not see any adverse side effects of this type of claim. All businesses, except those with one owner and no other employees, must have some workers’ comp insurance.

Your employer must be negligent for a claim

Most claims do not require you to establish fault. That means your employer does not have to be negligent for a claim. If you injure yourself at work, you can still receive benefits no matter who is at fault.

It is essential to separate fact and fiction when dealing with workplace injuries. You are going through enough with the recovery process, so you need to know your rights ahead of time. If your employer is not providing you the benefits you deserve, you may need to fight them to get your payments.
