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What Are Time Limits for Workers’ Comp Claims?

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

If your employer says it is too late for you to give notice that you had gotten hurt while on the job, you should check New Hampshire law first. State law will tell you if you still have time to begin a workers’ comp claim.

Workers’ compensation laws have different statutes of limitations, meaning there are limits on how long you can wait before taking certain actions as part of the workers’ comp process.

Sending notice to your employer

After your work injury, you should let your employer know about it no later than two years after the date of your injury. In the event you suffer health problems due to an occupational illness, your time limit for notification is two years from the time you discovered your illness or when you reasonably should have found out about your illness.

Filing your injury claim

After you notify your employer, your next step is to file a workers’ comp claim. You have a time limit of three years from your injury date, or when you discovered you have an occupational illness or should have learned of it through reasonable means.

Petitioning for a hearing

In the event the insurer for your workplace denies your claim, you have the option to petition for a hearing to appeal the denial. Under state law, you must do so no later than 18 months after receiving notification of your denial.

State law also prevents injured workers from petitioning for reinstatement of benefits if at least four years have passed since the last date of receiving benefits. Knowing these timelines is important so you can act quickly enough and prevent another party from denying you your rights.
