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How Can You Stay Safe Around Scaffolding?

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

While on a construction site, you could encounter dangerous work conditions and even deal with injuries while on the job.

Scaffolding, or a temporary platform that you use for constructing a building, is especially risky to use in bad weather or without proper safety checks. Knowing about how to avoid possible injuries can help you stay safe while at work.

Avoid dangerous situations

According to the United States Department of Labor, falls are a common cause of employee accidents. When guard railings are missing on a platform or rickety and unfinished steps make you trip, you may sustain brain or spine injuries. Walking on a scaffold during a windy day or attempting to move it without permission can lead to a serious accident.

Scaffolding collapsing under its own weight can also result in serious health issues for anyone underneath or on top of the platform. Knowing the maximum weight a scaffold can hold is important for yourself and others whenever you step foot into an active work zone.

Check construction requirements

Improper construction is usually one of the reasons why scaffolds collapse, which makes it imperative that a competent person inspects each scaffold before anyone else walks on it. This person should have official training by OSHA, as well as the authorization to make sure each platform is safe to use.

Trouble with electrical power lines and equipment can also lead to unexpected shocks. For these problems and others, certified workers can easily spot issues that untrained workers cannot. If you suspect there are any potential hazards in your work zone, make sure to tell your supervisors before attempting to use the scaffold.
