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Why Should You Consider Getting a Second Opinion?

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

Receiving a diagnosis from your doctor helps you learn how badly you have gotten hurt following an auto accident or a different kind of personal injury. However, some people decide that getting a second opinion is necessary.

The Cleveland Clinic explains that patients may benefit from visiting a second doctor in certain circumstances. Here is a look at some positives you could reap from having a second opinion.

You confirm your diagnosis

A second doctor could support the initial diagnosis you have received, helping you to feel better about your treatment going forward. However, the second doctor may also find that your first doctor did not correctly interpret your illness or injury, giving you a new assessment of your condition.

You need a specialist

While you may trust your normal treating doctor, you probably have an injury in a part of your body that your physician does not specialize in. Your doctor might recommend that you see a specialist. This should provide you with a treatment plan appropriate for your condition.

You can get updated information

It is possible your physician has not received the most recent information about your condition. By getting a second opinion, you might visit a doctor who has access to the most current treatment information. You could learn that an invasive or costly procedure is not necessary in your case.

You can gather medical evidence

If you have to deal with an insurance company, be aware that they will want strong evidence of your injury or condition. The medical exams you receive from a second doctor could make the difference in insurance negotiations.

An injury can greatly affect your quality of life. Do not hesitate to make yourself an informed advocate for your rights.
