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How Workers’ Compensation Protects Remote Employees

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

When you get injured at work, your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance should help cover the cost of your medical care and lost wages.

If you work remotely, know that workers’ compensation can still pay for your work-related injuries.

How to define work-related activities

Workers’ compensation only covers injuries that occur during the scope of employment. However, work activities vary significantly between jobs and are not limited to working inside the employer’s building. All of the following are examples of being on the job:

  • Driving to run errands for your employer
  • Participating in employer-sponsored events or meetings
  • Traveling to clients’ locations
  • Working in a home office

What to do if you get injured while working remotely

While your home may seem like a safe work environment, accidents can happen. Some of the most common home office accidents are slips and falls, cuts and repetitive use injuries. Since many of these injuries occur when there are no witnesses, you should do your best to document the situation with photos. Additionally, seek medical care and notify your employer as soon as possible.

How to decrease the chance of home office injuries

You can set up your remote office to help minimize the possibility of injuries. Consider these suggestions:

  • Do not leave cords dangling around your desk
  • Follow proper safety precautions when operating equipment
  • Purchase ergonomic chairs, keyboards and desks to minimize repetitive use injuries

While no one plans to get injured on the job, it is good to know that workers’ compensation may cover your injuries when you work from home.
