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No Safety Violations Found in New Hampshire Asphalt Accident

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

Construction workers face a variety of dangers while on the job, from the risk of electrocution to handling hazardous materials while loading and unloading trucks. Even those who drive and transport these materials can face injuries, even when they least expect it. 

Such was the case of one New Hampshire trucking worker who recently received several burns during an asphalt plant accident. 

Asphalt unloads unexpectedly  

A woman and her spouse, owners of a paving company, were anticipating a load of hot asphalt at a local plant, along with several other trucks, when the large load jetted from the loading chute before the driver maneuvered the truck completely into place, The hot pavement material struck the truck and broke the windshield, allowing it to enter the cab. 

Driver suffered burns  

The driver of the truck escaped the cab of the truck, but not before receiving burns to her lower legs and wrists. The asphalt’s temperature was nearly 400 degrees. Her condition is unknown at this time and it is unclear what kind of medical attention she received on the site or afterward. 

No violations found  

The Occupational Health and Safety Administration investigated the accident; however, its representatives did not find any safety violations connected with the incident. As such, it is unlikely that the driver can file any kind of personal injury lawsuit, although she did retain legal representation after the accident. OSHA has since closed its case without citing the plant. 

Individuals who work in the construction sector are often exposed to dangerous, hot or caustic materials that can cause serious injuries. Speaking to an attorney may help them understand whether they have a viable lawsuit or have a right to compensation.
