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What Must Pool Owners Do to Ensure a Safe Experience?

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

With summer right around the corner, many people in New Hampshire are opening their own pools or gearing up for a trip to public facilities. Regardless of the situation, pool owners must take certain steps to protect others or they could face serious consequences in the event of an injury. In this case, offers the following advice.

Protecting kids while at the pool is a huge concern. That is why children should never be left attended at any pool, as drowning can happen faster than one would think. In this case, there should be a designated adult whose sole duty it is to watch the children and ensure they’re safe. Even if there is a lifeguard on a duty, he or she may not be able to recognize an emergency situation, especially when a pool is crowded. Whoever is designated to watch children must focus their full attention on the task at hand.

For homeowners with pools, certain safety steps must be taken. Pools must be fenced in to prevent unauthorized visitors from swimming. It’s also recommended that owners install a pool alarm, as this will alert them to the presence of kids, who may be attracted by the pool even if they’re not allowed to swim. Pool covers are also recommended for those times when the pool is not being used, such as at night.

Lastly, all pool owners should become CPR-certified. Even with the above safety measures in place, there is still the risk that a drowning incident will occur. CPR saves lives, and it is crucial that those who are certified continue to renew their education so they can remain effective. Pool safety is everyone’s responsibility, and even minimal effort can be enough to save a life.