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How Can Traumatic Brain Injuries Affect Memory?

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

New Hampshire residents like you suffer from extended symptoms after getting a head injury in an accident. Unfortunately, head injuries are among the most common types, along with neck and back injuries.

Head injuries are also among the most tenacious. It takes a lot of time to recover from them and the healing process is often fraught with struggle.

Impacts on long and short-term memory

The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center examines traumatic brain injuries and memory. Short-term memory often suffers greater damage than long-term memory in these cases. Despite that, long-term memory loss is not unheard of. Short-term memory is also very crucial to your functioning in daily life.

When you suffer from short-term memory loss, some of the effects you may experience include:

  • Missing important appointments
  • Losing track of time (hours and days)
  • Misplacing important objects
  • Forgetting crucial information

Difficulties working with memory loss

This impacts your functionality and can also make it difficult or impossible to work your previous job. You may have to take a leave of absence or even leave your work entirely depending on what it is.

For many TBI sufferers, you need to work out new systems to help you remember things. This includes things you likely would not have struggled with before the accident. This is a hard adjustment to make in some cases. It can leave sufferers feeling damaged and inept. On top of other emotional problems that stem from TBIs, this can create inwardly-directed hostile feelings.

You will also struggle with finances. Medication, doctor visits and therapy cost a lot. Compensation can take at least one stress off your plate as you go through recovery.
