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What Should You Never Say to a Claims Adjuster?

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

A claims adjuster’s role is to investigate the cause of a crash and assess liability. The way an adjuster goes about this process is by conducting interviews and examining evidence. He or she uses this information to find a driver responsible.

This determination may hurt your claim. One of the things you can do to help is understanding how crucial your verbal statements to the adjuster are. Take some time to review some of the things you should not say when speaking with an insurance adjuster so as to maintain your best chance of getting a fair ruling.

Do not guess

One of the first mistakes people tend to make when speaking to an adjuster is to try to fill in gaps. Adjusters may compel you to draw conclusions without having any real basis for them. It is never a good idea to give answers that require guessing.

For example, if you do not know the time you left your home, do not give one. Even if the adjuster prompts you to make a guess, this information may wind up hurting your case. The statements you make are on the record and if you or someone else contradicts what you say, it may look like you purposely misled the investigation.

Do not admit to any wrongdoing

Adjusters are good at getting you to open up. They may ask you seemingly benign questions that turn against you at some point. Do not admit that you did anything wrong before the crash. Even saying that you believe you were going a few miles over the speed limit before a collision may find you facing reckless driving charges and assuming liability.

You should not lie to an adjuster, but you may protect yourself by understanding that the methods insurance investigators use are not always in your favor.
