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Why you should work for employers with worker’s compensation insurance


Workplace safety is a big concern for both employers and employees. Regardless of how safe your workplace environment is, an accident can happen at any time. The state of New Hampshire makes it necessary for all businesses to have a worker’s compensation insurance. When a company has compensation insurance, a worker that gets an injury while working can receive medical care, wage replacement, or the family can receive death benefits if a worker dies. 

According to the State of New Hampshire, an employer with one or more workers, be they full time or part-time, should have a workers compensation coverage. If an employer fails to cover their employees, they will have to pay a fine of $100 for each employee every day. An employer should, therefore, obtain a New Hampshire worker’s compensation insurance for an employee before hiring them. The employee can then receive workman’s compensation benefits when they get an injury as they are working. An employee cannot, however, sue the employer on matters regarding the cost of the damage. 

Since New Hampshire follows a no-fault worker’s compensation rule, every employee that gets an injury while working will receive benefits regardless of who is at fault. The insurance compensation may provide temporary or partial disability benefits, medical payments, and weekly indemnity benefits to the employee with an injury. The dependents of the employee may also receive death benefits. It does not matter if the employee is a full time or part-time worker or if they are immigrants, documented or undocumented; the insurance cover extends to everyone working in the company. 

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