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Lowering the Chance of an Accident During the Holiday Season

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

During the holiday season, there are more drivers on the road and more people in a hurry to arrive at their destinations. More accidents occur during this time of year than during other seasons. It may be in your interests to learn more about the risks of driving during this season and how you can protect yourself.

As New Hampshire readers know, intoxicated drivers are one of the most common reasons for car accidents. December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, and authorities hope that raising awareness of the issue could make the roads safer and cause drivers to make smart choices. Drunk driving and other risky behaviors are more prevalent during the holiday season.

Important considerations for drivers

Because of holiday parties and various types of seasonal gatherings, it may be more likely that drivers will consume at least one drink before they get behind the wheel. The following tips can make it easier for you to stay safe this season and help others make choices that do not endanger innocent people:

  • When attending a party, it is smart to plan ahead and find out if alcohol will be served. If so and you intend to drink, it is prudent to make plans for alternate transportation.
  • Party hosts would be considerate to offer non-alcoholic beverage choices to those acting as designated drivers.
  • Hosts should not over-serve party attendees and should not allow a guest to leave if he or she is too impaired to drive home.

You may know another travel safety concern during the holiday season is distracted driving. Like an intoxicated driver, a distracted driver is a danger to himself or herself and every other person on the road. Every driver is responsible for the choices he or she makes behind the wheel, whether it is reading a text message or driving after drinking.

What happens after an accident?

If you suffered injuries in an accident caused by a distracted or drunk driver this holiday season, you have rights. You could have grounds to move forward with a personal injury claim against the liable driver through which you may be able to recover your financial losses and other accident-related damages.

The aftermath of a car crash can be overwhelming, but you do not have to go through it alone. A complete evaluation of your case can help you understand your options and allow you to move forward with confidence regarding your decision.
