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Workers’ Compensation: Industrial Worker’s Forearm Severed

Attorney Mark Rufo PC

Workers in industrial facilities in New Hampshire will always face the hazards posed by large machines and equipment with dangerous moving parts. While employees typically rely on their employers to comply with the safety regulations prescribed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, many find that their employers have other priorities. The number of workers’ compensation claims filed by industrial workers underscores the dangers they face.

OSHA has launched an investigation into an amputation accident that occurred at a manufacturer of plumbing and sanitary equipment in Gilford. A report by the fire department indicates that an emergency call came into 911 shortly after 10 a.m. on a recent Thursday. Rescue workers rushed to the industrial facility where they found a female worker who became entangled in the moving parts of a machine. The machine severed her left forearm, and co-workers used bandaging and pressure in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

Paramedics applied a tourniquet while firefighters retrieved the severed forearm from the machine after workers conducted the necessary lockout/tagout procedures. The victim and her arm were rushed to the hospital, with the hope that they could be reattached through surgical procedures. No information about the circumstances that led to the accident was available.

When employees in New Hampshire industrial facilities suffer work-related injuries, the state’s workers’ compensation insurance program offers benefits to cover medical expenses and lost wages. Those who suffers a catastrophic injury such as an amputation might be eligible for additional benefits. With the support and guidance of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, vocational training might be arranged to equip that worker with additional skills and assistance with establishing a new career that will accommodate the permanent disability.